Our companies know that the future of business depends on a healthy planet. National monuments can protect our outdoor spaces, a key way to address the challenges we face.
Mobilizing for Monuments is a broad coalition of businesses that understand that protecting our public lands directly benefits our economy, culture, and way of life. With unprecedented pressure on our lands and waters from resource development and climate change, there has never been a more urgent time to act for nature and people.
We’re committed to this work because:
National Monuments Work.
National Monuments are a proven tool for protecting wild places and outdoor spaces, preserving important cultural and historical sites, improving opportunities for recreation, and growing the economies of nearby communities.
Our Voices are Stronger Together.
Business leaders from a range of industries are using their voices and brands to support National Monument designations nationwide. With the current political uncertainty and divisions in Washington, DC, businesses are leading the charge for reliable, bipartisan efforts that advance conservation policies and public land protection.
Protecting Public Lands is Good for Business.
Public land protection directly benefits our economy, sustaining and creating jobs, and generating revenue. Outdoor recreation accounted for 1.8 percent of the U.S. GDP in 2021, accounting for $689B in gross output and supporting 4.3M jobs.
Outdoor Spaces are for Everyone.
Conservation is a shared value that connects people from every corner of the continent and all walks of life. Everyone, regardless of race, income, or political affiliation, deserves and can benefit from access to outdoor spaces. National Monuments protect public lands for all to enjoy.